There is no one treatment that will treat all these various concerns; treatment options are usually best combined, and undertaken over multiple sessions over months to begin to see changes. For this reason, I commonly tell patients it is like orthodontic treatment they may be better off not beginning as they won’t achieve desired results. Equally, it is better to start and keep going than to wait because the ageing process will not.
Requesting to look like celebrities Rarely, patients will present with pictures of celebrities they wish to look like eg JLo, one of the Kardashians or specific attributes big juicy lips, a nonsurgical butt lift Keto activate example and it is then up to the practitioner to explain why it may not be a reasonable goal even if they have the money for it, due to limitations of anatomy. So when this occurs, how do we deal with it at skin essentials? Consultation the fact is, there is never such a thing as “just some anti-wrinkle treatment for some lip filler.

It does not matter how simple the prospective patient thinks the issue is, as a medical practitioner it is my responsibility and duty of care to assess each person, including a detailed medical history, assessment if appropriate and their expectations before we proceed to treatment, if it is appropriate to do so. We don’t do treatments made to order. You are emailed an intake form as soon as you have booked an appointment and it is in your best interests to fill this out as soon as feasible so we have a clear idea of your concerns as well as what is likely to be the problem.